In the heart of historic downtown Brownfield, Texas.
Professional Office Space
Office suites & single office options.
For All Types of Businesses
Convenience for you, your associates, & your customers.
Located Right On The Square

Office Space For Rent or Lease In Downtown Brownfield, Texas

On The Square, On Target For Your Business

Space where your your customers and associates will locate you easily, Oliver's Place is right for you and your enterprise.

With central access to all parts of downtown, we have a variety of office space configurations, with uncommon tenant care and support. Browse our floorplan or learn more about us now.

The Heart of Terry County, The Heart of Tradition

If you conduct business in Terry County and the surrounding region, office space at Oliver's Place in historic downtown Brownfield is a prime choice.

Meet with your customers, associates and conduct business with confidence in your professional office space.